List of projects for Colonia High School
- advisor: James Danch
BO.08 Arpan Himanshu Patel Variations in Amyloplast Magnetophoresis under High Gradient Magnetic Fields
BS.05 Sarah Elmedani The Effects of Thymoquinone, Carvol, Isopropyltoluene, and Beta-Pinene on Dugesia tigrina
BS.11 Zain Paracha Human Perception of Visual Weather Forecast Icons
BS.19 Brahmikha Anchala The Role Of Optical Illusion in the Ability of Striped Snakes to Evade Predators
CH.06 Sonia Sharma Degradation of Polyacrylamide-Polyvinylacetate Composite Under Simulated Human Stomach Conditions.
EV.07 Kimberly Ann Boyko Colonization of Artificial Microhabitats with Consideration of Inverse Elevation/Moisture Gradients
MB.09 Mahmoud Atef Elmedani The Effects of Dehydration and Salt on French Fry Decompisition