Nokia Bell Labs North Jersey Regional Science Fair
March 15 – 16, 2019
College Avenue Campus
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Awards List from 2019 Fair
- Important Dates for the 2019 Fair
- Student Information
- Go to the Student Information page for registration information, project display requirements, abstract preparation,
and instructions for setting up at the Fair.
- Projects Registered for 2019
- This will only show projects that are already approved by the SRC.
- Project Abstracts 2019
- The abstract submission deadline is March 8, 2019. Once your abstract is submitted and accepted, it will show up on this list.
- Fair Schedule
- Directions to the College Avenue Gym
- Location of Exhibit Area (map)
Changes for 2019
The Nokia Bell Labs NJRSF will now be awarding Student Observer positions for ISEF to 3 students,
including the ISEF Trip Alternate, and 2 students in grades 9-11.
Student Observers at Intel ISEF participate in the Observer Day Program and are included in most ISEF activities including symposia,
ceremonies, and networking with other student participants from around the globe. Student Observers are included in the official NJRSF
party attending ISEF, but must pay the full cost of their trip (between $1100 and $1300). Student Observers, other than thew ISEF Trip Alternate, will be selected by a lottery
among the winners of category awards who have indicated an interest. Students that are interested in an Observer position should mark
this on their Supplemental Registration Form.
The ISEF Symposium has been eliminated starting in 2019. Finalists for the ISEF Trip Awards will be judged at their posters on
Saturday afternoon. Finalists will relocate their posters to the designated area in the gym before the afternoon judging begins.
All finalists must be at their posters for the entire afternoon judging session and for 30 minutes afterward to talk with the public
and the press.
All students will be required to be at their poster for 1 hour on Saturday afternoon for the public viewing of the exhibits. There will be
two 1-hour time slots to which students will be assigned. Students can talk to any visitors from the public about their project at this time.