Go to the Student Information page for registration information, project display requirements, abstract preparation,
and instructions for setting up at the Fair.
The fair will be held at Nokia Bell Labs, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill (New Providence), NJ. Maps and instructions will be posted at a later date.
The limit on the number of projects per school has been reduced from 25 to 20.
All projects that had a mentor/lab/institution outside of their school involved in their project must submit a Form 1C. This includes school programs
that have a partnership with an outside institution. The Form 1C must be completed by the outside mentor/institution and submitted by the student.
The Form 1C needs to be submitted by the Entry deadline to be considered in the Phase I Judging. A preliminary Form 1C should be submitted if the final
Form 1C is not yet available. The final Form 1C should be submitted by the Final SRC clearance date.
The ISEF Symposium has been eliminated starting in 2019. Finalists for the ISEF Trip Awards will be judged at their posters on
Saturday afternoon. Finalists will relocate their posters to the designated area before the afternoon judging begins.
All finalists must be at their posters for the entire afternoon judging session and for 30 minutes afterward to talk with the public
and the press.