TNJSF Judging Criteria

The following evaluation criteria are used for judging at the TNJSF. As shown below, science and engineering have different criteria, each with four sections as well as suggested scoring for each section. Each section includes key items to consider for evaluation both before and after the interview.

Judging Criteria for Science Projects

  1. Research Question (20 pts)
  2. Design and Methodology (20 pts)
  3. Execution: Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (20 pts)
  4. Presentation (40 pts)
    1. Poster (20 pts)
    2. Interview (20 pts)

Judging Criteria for Engineering Projects

  1. Research Problem (20 pts)
  2. Design and Methodology (20 pts)
  3. Execution: Construction and Testing (20 pts)
  4. Presentation (40 pts)
    1. Poster (20 pts)
    2. Interview (20 pts)