TNJSF Vertebrate Animal and Tissue Policy

Students considering a project that involves vertebrate animals in ANY way, either directly or indirectly, have a higher level of responsibility and must ensure they are in compliance with all ISEF rules. Students should download the ISEF Rules and Guidelines and read the Vertebrate Animals Rules carefully.

Students who are not prepared to take on this responsibility should choose a different area of research.

Vertebrate animal projects as defined by ISEF

A vertebrate animal study is a scientific research project that involves the use of vertebrate animals, either directly or indirectly. Vertebrate animals, under ISEF rules, are all nonhuman vertebrates (including fish) at hatching or birth, live nonhuman mammalian embryos or fetuses, tadpoles, and bird and reptile eggs starting 72 hours prior to hatching.

Projects conducted at School, Home, or in the Field
Projects conducted at a Regulated Research Institution (RRI)

Vertebrate tissue projects as defined by ISEF

A project is considered a tissue study and not a vertebrate animal study if tissue is obtained from an animal that was euthanized for a purpose other than the student’s project.

To seek prior approval from the TNJSF SRC

If students do not obtain prior approval from the TNJSF SRC